December 30, 2010

Could this be my life please??

I want an airstream. Really bad. I could travel all over the US collecting fabulous antiques,meeting fun interesting people while seeing the most beautiful places..sounds like the life to me! I could make money by selling the things I find, art I make and working random jobs. 
I would have a HUGE map covering a wall on my camper and place a pin in every thrift store, antique store and flea market I went to. 
I would need a dog too

Perfect! Old bubble truck and a fabulous airstream. 
Airstream/Camper Style

so weird..and I love it.
                                                      Oh the glorious things I could find!
                                                                         How cute

random likes of the day

she is amazing. Go buy her stuff!

I would like for it to be anything but winter so I can make some terrariums again 

GIRL CRUSH: Ava Gardner

unique..and kindof scary "your going to bust your ass" stairs.